Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Rorschach Game

So over the holidays i have been reading about the history of the rorsc test and possible outcomes of how to create a computerised version with online tutorials.( Previously on my blog my idea was to make the story (see last post) However i am concerned that this idea is not interactive enough. So from looking at the history of Herman rorschach (inventor of test) i read that his ideas were inspired by an early game in the beginning of the 20th cenetury called, Klecksographie, otherwise known as blotto game, ( it was also a game where you could design your own ink blots and predict what they were. So, this would be great to try and make an interactive blotto game designed and played digitally. However, i have to work out how to do this???

1 comment:

Zeh said...

Naomi, this goes a bit back on your experimentation proposals, but in the subject of interaction and face recognition, I'd suggest you having a look at "Mind Wide Open" by Steven Johnson. The book is about how our brain works, and while it's just introductory to the field, it has some nice parts on the beginning when it describe how we "read" each other's minds by just looking at anyone's faces.

Back to the Rorschach point, Klecksographie are games with no objective, where people would simply drop ink randomly then fold the paper to see the result. Youtube has a few good examples of that too. But that is a game with no purpose other than looking at the final results. Depending on what you're trying with your interaction experiment, I think the result you should shooting for is letting people create their own inkblots and then have them all stacked together for display, inviting people to "see" things in the ink blots. This would work well, specially for children, I think.

"Blotto games" are a different thing, it sure looks to me like an accidental cross-reference?

Just my $0.02c.