So far i have been souly concentrating on my research and generation of ideas. The links and people i have found to be the most helpful are:
E-ink, (search google)
intel in macs (looking at the gadgets, for example the new mac can track flights at real time.. The macs also have a i-translator, allows the user to type a word, say in English and turn it into another language of the users choice: [type]Hello, [turn to french], Bonjour. This could be a problem when it comes to the future as language teaching could decline due to the intelligence of computers.
Bill gates future theory: Primarily Bill gates underlines a parallel between the popularity of the mobile phone and the computer concluding to a plausable outcome that the two medias will find it very hard to meet in the middle.Bill Gate's predicts the phone will become highly adaptable, replicating the modes of a P.C by its forever growing wide, high defintion screen and its feature-like p.c spec. In short, why have a huge p.c when in theory you can carry it round in your pocket? Quite an interesting debate, personally i think a little drastic but completely understand the underlining point that the future seems to be obsessed with minimalisation.
Independent interview with Bill Gates, questioning the future- (very intersting insight to the future)
Jon maeda-I know micheal promoted his work, personally i found it interesting but at the same time i was a bit confused about the logic of some of his ideas?