As well as constructing an interview helping gain experience about the subject copywrite, I have been looking at copy itself. To understand how to write successfully, using powerful termonolgy i have been looking at slogans and qoutes.I find that qoutes are profoundly the key exam of how copy can be carried as power. The amount of people that refer to qoutes like a personal advert. For example on facebook the author can add their favourite qoutes, projecting their views through the whit of others, much like the idea of an advert. To see how affective copy can be here are a few advert slogans, standing alone from any visuals. see how effective you think they are as copy alone.
Kellogg Company .................The best to you each morning
Kellogg's Rice Krispies......... Snap! Crackle! Pop!
Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes ..They're G-r-reat!
Kentucky Fried Chicken ..........Buy a bucket of chicken and have a barrel of fun
.................................Finger-lickin' good
.................................Real goodness from Kentucky Fried Chicken
.................................Corn and cluck for a buck
Kiwi Shoe Polish................ When your shoes shine, so do you
Kleenex Tissues................. Don't put a cold in your pocket! - Use Kleenex Tissues
KLM .............................The reliable airline ( yeah right!!)